"The Last of War" is a story about one of our favorite comic book heroes, Wonder Woman. That's right, it's a Wonder Woman story. Don't judge.
From my perspective, she is one of the most intriguing characters around given her roots in Greek mythology. Yet, few comic writers and artists really find the core of who Diana is and fewer still give her a really good adventure complete with super villians, larger-than-life monsters and epic battles where she lead and inspire others in the midst of battle.
My two girls and I really feel there should be a movie or three made about Wonder Woman that would have all of this in it. Since none is in the works, I thought we would have fun and make our own.
So, the girls are the story editors and I am the head writer. We had our first meeting, tonight. I showed them my first set of notecards for the story (it's a fancy app for the iPad that works really well). As I laid out the story, they then tell me if they "got" it and then they offer their suggestions and changes.
I'm excited just because this is a story I've seen play out in my head so often, I feel like I know every part of it. It will feel good to get it out, finally.
The first bit is a prelude I call "The Lost Letter", which introduces a lot of the Greek heroes who are in the background, and whose legacy continues through Diana aka Wonder Woman.
Next up, the last of the Olympians is freed by an Atlantian Queen and a horde of zombie warriors. Good times!
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