Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20 And Choppin' Wood

It has not been the most exciting week of writing since my last post. 

But, here, having the goal of 50,000 words and the deadline coming up at the end of the month is what pushes me to write - even if it is just a little bit, each day.  Paraphrasing a Maddanism (John Madden, football commentator - he had a handful of quirky sayings that those of us who have spent any time playing the Madden football video game have memorized): "Some words, are better than none words."  Madden used "yards", but you get the idea.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I've found it to be completely addictive.  Being able to get some of the scenes in my head out and give them some life of their own is such a thing.  I completely get the NaNo philosophy that the biggest thing is to get the story out.  You can edit later.

In the olden days, you had to spend your spare time chopping wood for the winter.  It was a tedious task, to be sure.  But the family survived on doing some chopping each day.  Chop, chop, chop!

I'd say that right now, I'm pretty much through the chopping part.  In fact, I think that right now, I am in the grip of a full on obsession.  I just passed the 40k word mark and the end of the novel is in sight.  Its like a fever dream.  Every time I close my eyes, I'm seeing the movie of my novel end, and now I really want to close the deal.

Maybe I'll finish early and have time to fix the fact that one of my characters has died three different ways and at three different times in the story? I hope so. 

Thanks for praying for me and encouraging me through this! Happy Thanksgiving!

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