Saturday, November 3, 2012

Excerpt from Chapter Two: "Tears"

Suddenly aware of his vulnerability, Daniel made a quick check for any potential predators and made mental notes of where the remaining security guards were. This was his life, now, he thought. With a heavy sigh, he took off his cotton gloves, picked up his pencils and put his camera in his backpack. He carried his manila folder full of newspaper clippings, his photo copies of journal pages, and his yellow legal pad with scribbled notes over to the central desk for inspection. Once the guard was assured that no piece of our national history was making its way out of the library with Daniel, he was allowed to leave.
The guards who work at the National Archives vary like they do anywhere else. There are some that are stiff, and others that are easy to talk to. Daniel was grateful for Dave, who was quick with a smile and a bit of compassion. Dave was the last friendly face he saw as he left that evening.
“Find what you were looking for, today?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll let you know after I check my notes.”
It was a bit of a lie, since Daniel did not expect to back again. But, it was all in good fun, anyway. This was not an exchange of truths, it was banter. Banter did not have to be truthful.
These dismissive thoughts about the present conversation did not suppress the image Daniel had of a moment of utter truthfulness. It was a moment he could see in his mind where he grabbed Dave by the lapels of his jacket, yelling “Some friggin’ assassin is looking to kill me, Dave! The FBI is supposed to be shadowing me wherever I go, but how do I know they are not going to be two minutes too late, like they were for my brother? Yours has been the only kind face I have seen in days, Dave! Days! Please walk me to the train? Maybe even come with me to my apartment? Can you get off work now and do that for me, Dave? Please?”
That scene was flashing in his mind the second before Daniel walked past Dave with a smile and said, “Have a good night!”
“You too!”
A few steps more and he was past the door’s threshold and out into street, at night.

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