Thursday, November 8, 2012

Things Learned by Day 8

It is day 8!  I pause to make out a list of the top five things I have learned about myself thus far from National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo):

5) I really stink at names.  If I have time, I am going to go back and rename everyone in my novel.

4) Once I start writing, the endorphins kick in or something and I really look forward to sitting down and doing it again.  I've been able to write around 2,000 words a day, which not a bad.  I have not slept much, mind you, but it feels good.  Maybe this happens when one reaches a new level of insanity?

3) The answer to whether I write by just sitting down and doing it or if I plot out the events in an outline first is "YES".

2) An energy drink with caffeine in the middle of the afternoon will wake me up at about 2AM - which is a good time to think through a chapter and write the notes down before falling asleep again.

...and the #1 thing I learned thus far is...

1) Having a deadline and a community of support so I could write my first novel is simply brilliant.

Feel free to follow the insanity on Google+ and Twitter.  My handle on the NaNo website is BlueJago.

Also, I'm using Pinterest to store some of my research images (and some writing motivation).

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